Key Information
In line with government direction on the publishing of key information pertinent to our school, please click for information on:
School Contact Details
- Name of school
- Postal address
- Telephone number
- Member of staff who deals with queries
- Name of Headteacher
- Name and address of chair of the governing body
- Name and contact details of SENDCO
- School's owner group contact details (Enrich Learning Trust)
Opening Hours
Admission Arrangements
- Admissions policy (Admission Policy on page)
Ofsted Reports
- Most recent report (Ofsted link)
Exam and Assessment Results
- Progress 8 score
- Percentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
- Pupil destinations
- Attainment in English and maths
- Attainment 8 score
Performance Tables
- Content of curriculum
- Compliance with Equality Act and SEN and Disability Regulations 2014 (Equality and Curriculum policies on page)
- How parents and public can find out more
- List of courses available to KS4
Remote Education
Behaviour Policy
- Behaviour policy and anti-bullying strategy (Behaviour and anti-bullying policies on page)
Pupil Premium
- Pupil premium grant allocation amount
- Summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced
- We'll spend the pupil premium to overcome those barriers
- How we’ll measure the effect of the pupil premium
- The date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy
- How we spent the pupil premium allocation last year
- The effect of the expenditure on pupils
Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium
PE and Sport Premium
- N/A - Primary schools only
Equality Objectives
- How we comply with the public sector equality duty (Equality policy on page)
- Our equality objectives (Equality policy on page)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- SEN Information (with respect to the SEN and Disability Regulations 2014)
- The arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils
- Steps we have taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils
- Facilities we provide to help disabled pupils to access the school
- With respect to the Equality Act 2010 (accessibility plan):
- increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum
- improving the physical environment of the school for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services
- improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled
Careers Programme Information
- Career leader's name and contact details
- Careers programme summary
- How we measure and assess the programme's impact
- Date of next review
Complaints Policy
- Complaints policy (Complaints policy on page)
- Whistleblowing policy (Currently offline)
- SEN complaints
Annual Reports and Accounts
All of these are centrally stored on the Enrich Learning Trust site.
- Annual report
- Annual audited accounts
- Memorandum of association
- Articles of association
- Names of charity trustees and members
- Funding agreement
- Employees with gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000+
Trustees' Information and Duties
Charging and Remissions Policies
- Activities or cases where we will charge pupils' parents (Currently offline)
- Circumstances where your school will make an exception on a payment (Currently offline)
Values and Ethos
Other information can be found on our A-Z page, or by using the search icon at the top of the page.
Paper copies of any pages or documents on this website can be requested via the main school email address: