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01362 697981

Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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To report an absence please contact the school by 8.30am via text on 07860 018222, emailing attendance@neatherd.org or calling 01362 697981 Option 2. 

Attendance: Reporting Absence

Full attendance is critical if you are to make the best use of your opportunities. Research shows that missing lessons has a seriously detrimental effect on your achievements.

Less than 90% attendance is enough to drop an attainment level/GCSE grade.

All students have their attendance monitored rigorously and where necessary we invite parents/carers in to offer support and discuss any issues.

Please support the school by sending your child in whenever possible.

Reporting a student absent

If your child is absent, due to illness or an appointment, it is important that you contact us to inform us as soon as possible. We ask that you report an absence by 8.30am. Please include your child’s: name, year group, form and the reason for absence.

You may text the Attendance Team on 07860 018222, email on attendance@neatherd.org or contact by telephone to report an absence (direct dial 01362 697981 Option 2). The telephone has a 24 hour voicemail facility.

If a student has not registered in the morning a telephone call will be made to parent(s)/carer(s) to ascertain the reason for absence.

If your child has an appointment during school hours (e.g. medical appointment)

We request that where possible, routine medical and dentist appointments are arranged outside of school hours. We understand that this is not always possible, and therefore ask that your child attends school either sided of the appointment.

Please notify the Attendance Office, prior to the absence, as soon as you are aware of it, again by either telephoning 01362 697981 Option 2 or email attendance@neatherd.orgOn the day of absence please ensure a note is written in your child’s planner.

Application for leave of absence from school during term time

Please complete a Leave of Absence form, available from the Attendance Office, or download from here. Please complete this form with full details to the school. If you wish to discuss the absence before completing the form, please contact the Attendance Manager via telephone or at the attendance email address.

This absence will then be considered and you will be notified of the decision. Requests are only authorised for ‘exceptional circumstances’. If you are planning a holiday during term time, please be aware that; following the Government’s directive, schools are not able to authorise absence for the purpose of a family holiday. 

