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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Exam Results Archive

Exam Results 2018

Headline Figures

  • 44% of pupils achieved 9-5 (‘strong pass’) in both English and Maths
  • 73% of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths
  • 49% of pupils achieved 9-5 in Maths
  • 81% of pupils achieved 9-4 in English
  • 66% of pupils achieved 9-5 in English
  • 68% of pupils achieved 9-4 (‘good pass’) in both English and Maths
  • 18% of pupils achieve 5 7-9 grades
  • 100% of pupils entered for 5 GCSE courses
  • 97% of pupils achieve 5 GCSE passes

Exam Results 2017

Headline Figures

  • 46% of pupils achieved 9-5 (‘strong pass’) in both English and Maths
  • 69% of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths
  • 52% of pupils achieved 9-5 in Maths
  • 64% of pupils achieved 9-4 in English
  • 58% of pupils achieved 9-5 in Maths
  • 64% of pupils achieved 9-4 (‘good pass’) in both English and Maths
  • 20% of pupils achieve 5 A*/A or 7-9 grades
  • 100% of pupils entered for 5 GCSE courses
  • 99% of pupils achieve 5 GCSE passes


Exam Results 2016

Headline Figures

% achieving A*-C in both English and Maths 65%
% achieving 5 or more A*-C grades including English and maths  64%
% achieving 5 or more A*-C grades  75%
% achieving 5 or more A*-G grades  99%
% achieving EBacc  22%
% achieving expected progress in English  77%
% achieving expected progress in maths  70%
Attainment 8 score  5.1
Progress 8 score  0.18


Exam Results 2015

Headline Figures

For a complete report on our results, please see this file.

5+ A*-C including English and maths 68%
5+ A*-C across all subjects 79%
A*-C English GCSE 74%
A*-C Mathematics GCSE 77%
Percentage pupils entered on EBACC 35%
Percentage pupils achieved EBACC 27%
Pupils achieving expected progress (three levels between KS2-KS4 in English between KS2-KS4 in English) 80%
Pupils achieving expected progress (three levels between KS2-KS4 in mathematics) 78%
Estimated VA (Value Added) Score 1026
Estimated Progress8 Score 0.3